Alrighty then.

July 26, 2008 maydarling

This is my first formal foray into the fatosphere, having left comments on blogs that I like.


About me.


Fat – 5’2″ & around 200 – draw your own conclusions

Employed at the Hellmouth. (thanks Joss!)

Single and definitely looking.

Now that we’ve got the most pertinent information out of the way, onto the nitty gritty.

I recently ran across this article by Tara Parker-Pope. In one of the comments, a posted writes that in order to calculate the number of calories it takes to sustain my current weight, take my weight and multiply it by 11. Then if I want to reduce my weight, take the weight I think I should weigh and multiply that by 11 as well and subtract the difference.

Sounds easy enough, right?

So, the last time I weighed myself I was 206. Times 11 that is 2266 calories I must take in to sustain that. Not too far over the RDA of 2000kcal per day, yes?

In my more insanity ridden days (I do work in the benighted Fashion Industry), I think I should be somewhere around 130. And so we do a bit of arithmetic again.
130 x 11 = 1430kcal per day.

And taking into account that most days I probably don’t get that much in because I am just an assistant and living in Manhattan. New York, in direct contrast to the sheer volume of great restaurants, really isn’t a city that encourages comfortable food consumption. One adjusts accordingly.

So…2266-1430= 836


I would have to shave off eight hundred thirty-six calories from my diet to get to my crazy lady weight of 130.

I think that much would be slightly…um…MISERABLE. Yes. That is word I am thinking of.

Awfully spartan existence. That’s even under the amount that Liz Hurley says that she gets in an ordinary day. And with her 1500kcal per day diet, she’s admitted that she’s miserable.

Ditto for Janet Jackson. I read an article with her and the journalist interviewed her over breakfast.
Her breakfasts consisted of egg white omeletes, with various fillings. And she griped about how much she was tired of egg whites. In this article, it claimed that JJ eats between 1,150 to 1,450kcal per day. Plus, she works out like a fiend.

Between all that working out and anticipation of the tasty and delicious egg whites, how do they all manage to live such fabulous lives?

No wonder most celebs look…miserable fantastic!

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